blooming jasmine is in the air again……. it is that time of the year…… here in Los Angeles we do have the good fortune for a couple of weeks each spring to be blessed with it’s generous and sensual fragrance perfuming the air……. you cannot avoid it…… just take a few steps out of your house, and your nose will pick up it’s fragrance pretty soon…….
most of the year an unassuming, modest vine that won’t catch your eye…… and then all of a sudden, there it is…….. a generous waterfall of tiny pink buds and white blossoms and feathery leaves………
now, it is so worth it to take that fragrance into your home…….. you won’t need much……. just break a couple of those clusters of blooms off the vine, re-cut the tiny stems again once you’re home and put them in a bud vase filled with water to place by your house altar, into a guest room to make someone feel welcome or into a powder room……
it’s just a small accent, yet it makes a huge impact on your senses…….. believe me…… and it’s only around once a year…….