Perfectly Placed Roses
Not Every Rose Has a Thorn
Show the Love with Lilies
Dress This Place Up! Add Beauty Anywhere…
Bounty for a Baroness
Tall. Gorgeous. Sophisticated. Who could resist her?
A Pretty Pop in Pink: Dahlia
Silks Are So Sexy! Add a touch of unexpected sensuality…
Sweeter than Chocolate: These tasty brown orchids are so strong and elegant
STOP! To smell her roses…
Which is more powerful, feminine & desirable? Tough choice!
Apple branches can add drama or charm; so fun!
So sensual… Anthurium body flowers are in!
Red roses and Dusty Miller accent a lovely vintage lithograph in darling silver baskets
Fluffy, fun and delightful; Carnations are too often overlooked. Let us show you what they can do!
Romantic Bouquet of variegated carnations and white peonies.
Dusty & the Ostrich: A flashy bouquet of velvety soft Dusty Miller leaves, accented with azure blue ostrich feathers!
Red Roses, Black Silk and a Pussy Cat! Perfect red rose presentation bouquet accented with black silk keepsake flowers.